Thursday, September 10, 2009

el Museo del Chocolate= The Chocolate Museum!

What a fun afternoon! The day started out with class, then four girls and I went to the beach for a few fours.. We walked down to a different part of the beach where it is a lot less crowded and no one was walking around selling things. The water is so beautiful here. I walked in all the up to my shoulders and I was still able to look down and see my feet! Ahhh.... the Mediterranean!

After the beach, we went to the Chocolate Museum with our group, which was a lot of fun. We started out by tasting a bunch of different chocolates and discussing what was in them and where the cocoa bean came from (mostly from Central America/Caribbean, South America, and Africa). It was similar to a wine tasting. We smelled the chocolate first and "tasted" the aroma, then we broke off a small piece and let it melt in our mouths and we savored all the different flavors. In some you could slightly taste hints of vanilla, caramel, and/or citrus fruit. We also got to try them in hot, chocolate drink. It was so delicious! After, we walked to where they had all different kinds of chocolate sculptures. And to get into that part of the museum they gave us chocolate tickets (which I am eating right now as I'm writing this)! Anyone who travels to Barcelona definitely needs to visit this museum!


  1. AM - It sounds like you are getting very comfortable in Spain and exploring all that it has to offer. The water sounds just like the Finger lakes where I grew up. I am sure your Mother and I will have to hit the chocolate museum. We can,t wait to see you and hope you will keep finding neat things for us to do while you are in class. i miss someone giving me grief about my accent. Miss you and see you soon.


  2. I am so jealous you got to go to a chocolate tasting and even eat your ticket! how FUN!!! I want to go to a chocolate Museum...too bad those don't exist in Maple Grove! haha! Love you and miss you tons AM!! :)

